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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Call for Entry | Grand Theatre Gallery

Grand Theatre Gallery

Call for Art: 2011

Gallery Mission Statement: The Grand Theatre Gallery is located in the heart of downtown Frankfort, KY inside the newly renovated Historic Grand Theatre. The Gallery is committed to exhibiting work created by emerging and professional artists working in any medium. Attempts will be made to coordinate, when possible, the exhibition in the gallery with the events and performances at the Grand Theatre.

The Grand Theatre Mission Statement: Our enduring mission is to establish a multicultural and mixed-use center for performing arts, visual arts, film, and public forums while actively serving the diversity of citizens within local and regional communities. With attention to sound management, we endeavor to create and preserve a distinctive and vibrant environment in which audiences enjoy aesthetic, cultural and educational enrichment through a wide array of arts programs.

The Gallery: Some spatial parameters for video, installation and sculptural works must be considered and artists applying in those media are encouraged to visit the space and/or contact the Gallery for further details. Works in the Gallery are always visible through a glass wall when the Theatre building is open. The gallery is approx. 1000 sq. ft. with 75 linear feet of wall space, in addition to the 20 ft. outside of the glass wall. The glass wall is open during receptions for certain Theatre events/performances and during the opening receptions for art exhibitions. The Gallery commands a large viewing audience, with over 6,000 tickets sold for the first season, with increased ticket sales with every year. Each exhibition will be open for approximately two months.

Eligibility: All individual artists are encouraged to apply. The gallery committee may choose to exhibit your work in a solo exhibition or we may pair two artists, in consultation with the artists.

Submissions: Please follow these instructions or your submission will not be reviewed. All application materials must be received by Jan. 30 for the following programming year exhibition schedule.

Please submit a hardcopy of the following:

1. letter of intent, specify whether you would like to exhibit the work submitted or if you would be interested in creating new work for exhibition. If you are creating new work, please describe it in detail including how it will be funded.

2. one page artist statement

3. artist resume (5 page max.)

-also submit 10 images of a consistent body of work in JPEG format on a CD, approximately 4”x6” in either direction, 300dpi, RGB color mode with the following information typed in a word document included on the same CD:

1. Title of work, 2. Artist name, 3. Dimension, 4. Medium, 5. Date created, 6. Price/value for insurance. (The majority of the work on exhibition must be for sale)

-also include the $10.00 submission fee, check or money order made payable and sent with all application materials to:

Save the Grand, Inc. Gallery

210 Washington St.

Frankfort, KY 40601

Selection: The Grand Theatre Gallery Committee will review submissions once per year and select work for exhibition. The committee is comprised of professional artists from central Kentucky. You will receive an email notification if your work is selected for exhibition. Application materials will not be returned, unless accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope. The Gallery Committee reserves the right to revoke exhibition of any work not represented accurately in application materials.

Sales: The sale of any works through the Grand Theatre Gallery will be completed at the end of the exhibition. The Gallery will retain 40% of any sales. All works will be insured for a maximum of $60,000. The artist will assume additional insurance if needed.

Questions: Please direct any questions to the Gallery Committee Chair, Jeremy Wooldridge at the following email address:

*IMPORTANT* Please include your name and your email address on every page of your application materials.

Thank you,

Grand Theatre Gallery Committee

210 Washington St.

Frankfort, KY 40601

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